In case you haven't been informed yet: We normally meet on the second and fourth Thursdays, when applications exist. No applications, no meeting. Katrina tends to send out the agenda about a week ahead of time. (CORRECT DATE BEFORE MAILING...) Next potential meeting is ?/? at 7PM. Corey Gates is the Code Enforcement Officer, Katrina Allen is our official secretary, although Michelle Booth or Bonnie Toomey may fill in if needed. All of whom can be found at the Town office. Official zoning code can be found at (also has download link for a pdf version) Official source of additional documents and information is the Town office. An unofficial collection of files exists at There is an annual training requirement to stay on the Board, Katrina will inform us of various options as they become available (usually 2-4 times a year). Although the Town Board has the ability to recognize pretty much anything as training, so you can explore alternatives as you see fit. The Town requires we read "Zoning Board of Appeals James A. Coon Local Government Technical Series Includes All Statutory Changes Through the 2005 Legislative Session", which can be found at